Off World

Written and directed by Emmett Callinan
Starring Alana Dietze, Steve West, Tonya Kay, Avital Ash
Original Score by Brian Wherry

Watch the trailer!

  1. Off World Trailer Music (1:33)
  2. Crash Landing (3:27)

Off World is a science fiction/thriller feature film written and directed by Emmett Callinan. I met Emmett though Tim Martin (Black Licorice, Spider-Man, X-Men: The Last Stand), who did the production and creature designs for Off World (which look awesome, needless to say). At the time of this writing (mid May 2010) Emmett is finishing the rough cut of the film, after which I'll start work on the score. I actually did the music for the trailer, which you can check out here. Check out the music from the trailer above. As of mid-November 2010, we're still in the very early stages of the scoring process, as visual effects shots are trickling in... But one sequence, the crash landing, was finished for AFM. Check out the music for that sequence above.


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All music on this page © 2010, Brian Wherry. All rights reserved.